Vol.20 Diversity and Dynamics of Eurasian Languages: The 20th commemorative volume

Contribution to the Studies for Eurasian Languages series vol.20

Diversity and Dynamics of Eurasian Languages
The 20th Commemorative Volume
Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Masahiro Shōgaito
追悼 庄垣内正弘先生

The Consortium for the Studies of Eurasian Languages
ユーラシア言語研究コンソーシアム 2018
ISBN 978-4-903875-23-1

庄垣内正弘先生(Prof. Dr. Masahiro Shōgaito (1942-2014)

        略歴  CV

        業績表 Bibliography

  • 荒川慎太郎 (東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所)
    ARAKAWA, Shintaro
    (On the “dual” suffix of Tangut) ………..69
  • 藤代節 (神戸市看護大学)
    FUJISHIRO, Setsu
    A note on r and l in Dolgan and Yakut …………………..95
  • 川澄哲也 (松山大学)
    KAWASUMI, Tetsuya
    试论汉语河州话的形成过程 …………………………179
    (On the Formative Process of the Hezhou Dialect of Chinese)
