- Vol.21 藤代節 編 FUJISHIRO Setsu (ed.)『ユーラシア諸言語の動態III-言語の多様性と類型と混成言語-』Dynamics in Eurasian Languages III: Diversity, Typology and Mixed language (viii + 280p., 2019, Kobe City College of Nursing) ISBN 978-4-903875-24-8
- Vol.20 HAYASI Tooru, KUBO Tomoyuki, FUJISHIRO Setsu, OHSAKI Noriko, KISHIDA Yasuhiro and SUGAHARA Mutsumi (eds.)『ユーラシア諸言語の多様性と動態-20号記念号-』Diversity and Dynamics of Eurasian Languages: The 20th Commemorative Volume (xix + 502p., 2018, Consortium of Studies of Eurasian Languages) ISBN 978-4-903875-23-1
- Vol. 19 KAJI Hiromi, AKMANALIEVA Jakshylyk and HAYASI Tooru (eds.) 『キルギス語基礎語彙集 言語調査実習の報告』 A Basic Vocabulary of Kyrgyz: A Report on the Linguistic Fieldwork Course (xvii + 146p, 2015, University of Tokyo) ISBN:978-4-903875-22-4
- Vol. 18 KUBO Tomoyuki, HAYASI Tooru and FUJISHIRO Setsu (eds.) 『地球化時代におけるアルタイ諸語の急速な変容・消滅に関する総合的調査研究』 Rapid changes and endangerment of the Altaic languages in the global era (In print, 2012, Kyushu University) ISBN:978-4-903875-21-7
- Vol. 17 FUJISHIRO Setsu (ed.) 『ユーラシア諸言語の動態Ⅱ』 Dynamics of Eurasian Languages II (Studies on Languages in Multilingual Areas) (viii + 255p., 2011, Kobe City College of Nursing) ISBN:978-4-903875-20-0
- Vol. 16 KURIBAYASHI Yuu 『チュルク語南西グループの構造と記述』 Structure and Description of Southwestern Turkic (x + 256p., 2009, Kyushu University) ISBN:978-4-903875-19-4
- Vol. 15 KUBO Tomoyuki, HAYASI Tooru and FUJISHIRO Setsu (eds.) 『チュルク諸語における固有と外来に関する総合的調査研究』 Native and loan in Turkic languages (viii + 290p., 2009, Kyushu University) ISBN:978-4-903875-18-7
- Vol. 14 FUJISHIRO Setsu and SHŌGAITO Masahiro (eds.) 『ユーラシア諸言語の動態』 Dynamics in Eurasian Languages (x + 245p., 2008, Kobe City College of Nursing) ISBN:978-4-903875-17-0
- Vol. 13 久保智之 編 KUBO Tomoyuki (ed.) 『シベ語語彙集』 A Siwe Vocabulary (in print, 2008, Kyushu University) ISBN 978-4-903875-16-3
- Vol. 12 SUGAHARA Mutsumi 『ウイグル文字本『聖者伝』の研究 Ⅱ.日本語訳および註』 Tazkira-yi Awliya in the Uyghur script Part II. Japanese translation with notes (v + 401p. 2008, Kobe City College of Nursing) ISBN 978-4-903875-15-6
- Vol. 11 SUGAHARA Mutsumi 『ウイグル文字本『聖者伝』の研究 Ⅰ.序論と転写テキスト』 Tazkira-yi Awliya in the Uyghur script Part I. Introduction and text in transcription (iii + 428p., 2007, Kobe City College of Nursing) ISBN 978-4-903875-14-9
- Vol. 10 Satoko SHIRAI and Masahiro SHŌGAITO (eds.) Philological Studies on Old Central Asian Manuscripts (x + 262p.+14pl., 2004, Kyoto University) ISBN 978-4-903875-09-5
- Vol. 9 SAZYKIN Alexej (ed.) Mongolian Translation of Mañjusri-nama-saṃgiti (265p., 2006, Kyoto University) ISBN 978-4-903875-08-8
- Vol. 8 SAZYKIN Alexej (ed.) Каталог бурятских ксилографированных и литографированных изданий из коллекций Санкт-Петербурга (Catalogue of the Buryat xylographs and lithographs preserved in St. Petersburg’s collections.) (172p., 2004, Kyoto University) ISBN 978-4-903875-07-1
- Vol. 7 FUJISHIRO Setsu (ed.) Approaches to Eurasian Linguistic Areas (iii +296p.+Ⅵ, 2004, Kobe City College of Nursing) ISBN 978-4-903875-06-4
- Vol. 6 林徹・梅谷博之 編 HAYASI Tooru and UMETANI Hiroyuki (eds.) 『チュルク系諸言語における接触と変容のメカニズム 研究調査報告』 Mechanism of contact and change in Turkic languages: research reports (vii+135p., 2004, University of Tokyo) ISBN 978-4-903875-05-7
- Vol. 5 YAKUP Abdurishid An Ili Salar vocabulary: introduction and a provisional Salar-English lexicon (182p., 2002, University of Tokyo) ISBN 978-4-903875-04-0
- Vol. 4 BARBOLINA Anna and FUJISHIRO Setsu (eds.) The Collected Works. Ogdo Aksenova (Dolgan text, translations in Japanese and Russian with commentaries) (vi+390p., 2001, University of Tokyo) ISBN 978-4-903875-03-3
- Vol. 3 SHŌGAITO Masahiro and FUJISHIRO Setsu (eds.) Issues in Eurasian Languages (I) –On the Materials from the Collection of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies of Russian Academy of Sciences – (128p., 2001, Kyoto University) ISBN 978-4-903875-02-6
- Vol. 2 HAYASI Tooru, SABIT Rozi, TAHIRJAN Muhämmät, WANG Jianxin (eds.) A Šäyxil vocabulary: a preliminary report of linguistic research in Šäyxil Village, Southwestern Xinjiang (108p., 1999, Kyoto University) ISBN 978-4-903875-01-9
- Vol. 1 FUJISHIRO Setsu and SHŌGAITO Masahiro (eds.) Issues in Turkic languages: description and language contact (250p., 1999, Kyoto University) ISBN 978-4-903875-00-2